The Missions of Starship Reliant! v1.0 Shareware Registration Form By registering your copy of Missions! you will receive future versions and/or updates in the mail which will contain many features not available to unregistered users. Currently, two more missions are being added, as well as a save game feature and high score list. The version containing these updates is expected to be released only to registered users (at no cost) around Fall '94. Your name: ___________________________________________ Your address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Please check one: Enclosed is US$15 as check, cash, or money order for registration. NON-USA ORDERS: Please, send only U.S. cash or money order. No personal checks! Please send me a ___ 1.4 Mb floppy, or ___ 800K floppy. I can't afford registration, but I'm sending a postcard of my hometown anyway. Just wanted to let you know my thoughts. Comments, Suggestions, Ideas, etc: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Send the completed form with payment (if applicable) to: Michael A. Rubin DoD Productions 1309 West Flournoy St, Suite 2 Chicago, IL 60607-3336 Thanks for your contribution! Enjoy.